Our Healing Ground offers Eye Movement and Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy while drawing upon different modalities meaningful to your mental health growth. We work with individuals, couples and family systems across the lifespan. We believe you are never too old to heal or too young to benefit. Our Healing Ground provides individual, couples/family, group psychotherapy and crisis services for its clients.
We provide adolescent groups during the summer. The groups focus on self esteem, relationships, and social skills.
Telemedicine is offered when barriers to access care exist. This can be weather related, distance, and the current Covid -19 crisis. Telehealth services can be offered in the State of Minnesota, North Dakota, and Colorado.
We promise to serve all clients, offer discounted services for those who qualify, and will not deny services based upon a person’s Race, Color, Sex, Age, National Origin, Disability, Religion, Citizenship, Marital Status, Creed, Gender Expression or Gender, Sexual Orientation, or ability to pay.